These drawings of Dorset, France and Morocco are made back in the studio, after walking and sketching in the landscape to try and get to grips with the underlying structure of the landscape. Some of them begin as loose washes of watercolour which are allowed to dry, before developing the image with graphite, charcoal and pencil into a matrix of lines and tonal areas.
Others are monochrome drawings, often with densely worked areas, which have been rubbed down and redrawn to suggest the passage of time and the ever-changing nature of the landscape. The tracks and traces of human and animal activity suggest, in places, that the landscape is inhabited, as do the presence of domestic dwellings and farm buildings.
I like to take the viewer on a journey through the drawing, as if they were on a walk and had to find their way to a destination. There is a deliberate tilting up of the picture plane into a semi-abstract aerial view of the landscape in which the principles of linear perspective are hinted at, but not strictly adhered to.
All these drawings are mounted and framed under glass in limed oak.